Our Trigger Jobs round out your custom build. We offer Red Dirt USA Flat Face (F3 in Legnth) in Black, Red, Blue and Gold. You can also opt for just the trigger install/fitting as well suppling your own trigger to be fit. Just select what you're after and we'll take it from there.
Trigger Tuning inclides the following:
- Trigger Shoe Fitting to Grip
- Primary/Secondary Sear Profiling
- Sear Spring Tuning
- Trigger Over/Pre Travel Adjustment
- Requested Trigger Pull Weight as low as 3lbs*
*Due to liablility reasons we only tune the trigger down to 3lbs. WE WILL NOT REMOVE ALL PRE/POST-TRAVEL If you're looking for anything lower than that we'd be happy to refer you out to another place that can handle that. Please also be aware that any trigger you provide outside of what we offer MUST have the correct bow length to fit a staccato grip or grip you're providing. Falure to do so will render your firearm useless.
Trigger Job
Trigger is crisp, pull weight was exactly as Vulcan's testing
Staccato trigger job
I had VMW reduce the trigger pull to 3.5 lbs and with the red dirt trigger the pre and post travel are both reduced compared to the factory settings. Highly recommended.
Trigger job
Set to slightly under 3lbs by my reader and crispy as hell.
Trigger replacement
Loving the red dirt flat face black in the new C2